Berlin Exchange Medicine

The first German Student Healthcare Journal. Member of Berlin Exchange.

Engaging Students in Research

Our Partners

Our concept does not only fascinate us, but also our partners!  The following institutions, journals and initiatives are currently supporting us.


Anwesenheitsnotiz, a berlin-based student journal existing since  2010, contains student papers as well as reviews and editorial content on (current) topics from the arts, culture, and science. The journal is published once or twice a year with a circulation of 600 copies at many universities in German-speaking countries.
Since 2021, anwesenheitsnotiz has been a founding member of Berlin Exchange.



The grassroots think tank Polis180 translates scientific findings for policy makers. Polis180 brings the ideas, analyses and solutions of our generation into the political discourse through innovative, participatory and inclusive approaches. In thematic programs and with new and creative formats, including their own journal PolisReflects, they develop real alternatives for constructive foreign and European policy. PolisReflects has been a founding member of Berlin Exchange since 2021.

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Institutionalization | Berlin Exchange

Complex challenges need trans- and interdisciplinary approaches!

  • Berlin Exchange, a cooperation of student journals, is a completely new platform for student journals in Germany to collaborate in terms of content, organization and funding.

    Cooperation of student journals

  • Currently, Berlin Exchange is constituted by the founding members PolisReflects, anwesenheitsnotiz and our journal, Berlin Exchange Medicine - together, we are striving for visibility and encouragement of student research and the realization of inter- and transdisciplinary approaches.

    One shared goal

  • In accordance with the networking character of Berlin Exchange, we share resources and know-how; when things get difficult, we look for a solution together!
    Our long-term goal is to develop one joint issue on a cross-sectional theme per year.

    Networked cooperation

More about our partner journals at Berlin Exchange can be found on the websites of PolisReflects and anwesenheitsnotiz.


We are much more than a dull science journal!
Stay up to date on our project and get to know us better by following us on Instagram or Twitter.

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All beginnings are online

A long-standing idea of three medical students at Charité Berlin takes shape - the launch of BEM in weekly online meetings.

Testing the idea

Tinkering with an idea in just three heads is never a good idea; it needs feedback, preferably from people who have a clue - and we are surprised by the enthusiasm we have received. There is an important niche in the student research community, and we want to fill it!

Never walk alone

An ambitious project needs a great team! At the end of the year, after calls through various channels, exciting people with incredible drive and impressive skills come together united by a common goal - BEM grows rapidly.

Corporate Identity?!

A Germany-wide team wants to have a common vision and structure, but at the same time remain student-centric and agile - we form and work in our four taskforces Website, Layout& Design, External Affairs & Finance and Peer Review & Quality Assurance from now on.

Peer Review à la Students

The task is to implement our student-innovative approach in a peer review concept that aims to be different and novel while ensuring high quality.

Medical student bubble?

Not at all! Because thinking outside the box makes our work better and more exciting, we establish even closer contact with student journals from other disciplines - the idea of Berlin Exchange as a platform for content-related, organizational, and financial cooperation between student journals in Germany is born.

Of Time and Money

During the month of April, we write proposals and make funding plans, while the "day-to-day business" in the task forces continues. After all, great ideas cannot live on invested time alone, and with exciting partners BEM will find a unique home!

Turning words into actions

The basics of BEM become more and more sound, now it's time to implement them - we staff our editorial board and further concretize our concept for the peer review crash course. Preparations of the website, foundation of BEM and public relations are in their final stages!

We go public and online!

With the launch of our website and the start of our social media campaign, we take further big and important steps towards our first major milestone, the first Call for Papers. With another Call for Team Members, we are looking for more enthusiastic minds, and since the beginning of the month Berlin Exchange Medicine is also a registered association!

Networking - national and international

We are getting in touch with more and more exciting professors, fellow students, journals and initiatives from Berlin, Germany and the US. We are thrilled how much positive feedback and valuable advice, contacts and offers we receive. At the same time, we are also starting our work within Berlin Exchange, the overarching platform, by developing initial content concepts.

Summer party and summer projects 

A (large) part of our team is based in Berlin, but many important members are scattered all over Germany. In August, thanks to the somewhat calmer pandemic situation, we all come together in person for the first time and celebrate our BEM summer party. As summer projects, we have planned the finalization of our review (crash course) structures, the development of our working website and the publication of first content formats.

A lot to come!

The excitement continues! Before the big call for papers in late summer, we already want to start with first content formats, a news blog about our project and the peer review crash course. You will continue to hear from us with thrilling content on our social media channels! By the way, in addition to Instagram and Twitter, we are also on LinkedIn and Facebook!

All beginnings are online

A long-standing idea of three medical students at Charité Berlin takes shape - the launch of BEM in weekly online meetings.

Testing the idea

Tinkering with an idea in just three heads is never a good idea; it needs feedback, preferably from people who have a clue - and we are surprised by the enthusiasm we have received. There is an important niche in the student research community, and we want to fill it!

Never walk alone

an ambitious project needs a great team! At the end of the year, after calls through various channels, exciting people with incredible drive and impressive skills come together united by a common goal - BEM grows rapidly.

Corporate Identity?!

A Germany-wide team wants to have a common vision and structure, but at the same time remain student-centric and agile - we form and work in our four taskforces Website, Layout& Design, External Affairs & Finance and Peer Review& Quality Assurance from now on.

Peer Review à la Students

The task is to implement our student-innovative approach in a peer review concept that aims to be different and novel while ensuring high quality.

Medical student bubble?

Not at all! Because thinking outside the box makes our work better and more exciting, we establish even closer contact with student journals from other disciplines - the idea of Berlin Exchange as a platform for content-related, organizational, and financial cooperation between student journals in Germany is born.

Time and money

During the month of April, we write proposals and make funding plans, while the "day-to-day business" in the task forces continues. After all, great ideas cannot live on invested time alone, and with exciting partners BEM will find a unique home!

Turn words into actions

The basics of BEM become more and more sound, now it's time to implement them - we staff our editorial board and further concretize our concept for the peer review crash course. Preparations of the website, foundation of BEM and public relations are in their final stages!

We go public and online!

With the launch of our website and the start of our social media campaign, we take further big and important steps towards our first major milestone, the first Call for Papers. With another Call for Team Members, we are looking for more enthusiastic minds, and since the beginning of the month Berlin Exchange Medicine is also a registered association!

Networking - national and international

We are getting in touch with more and more exciting professors, fellow students, journals and initiatives from Berlin, Germany and the US. We are thrilled how much positive feedback and valuable advice, contacts and offers we receive. At the same time, we are also starting our work within Berlin Exchange, the overarching platform, by developing initial content concepts.

Summer party and summer projects

A (large) part of our team is based in Berlin, but many important members are scattered all over Germany. In August, thanks to the somewhat calmer pandemic situation, we all come together in person for the first time and celebrate our BEM summer party. As summer projects, we have planned the finalization of our review (crash course) structures, the development of our working website and the publication of first content formats. 

A lot to come!

The excitement continues! Before the big call for papers in late summer, we already want to start with first content formats, a news blog about our project and the peer review crash course. You will continue to hear from us with thrilling content on our social media channels! By the way, in addition to Instagram and Twitter, we are also on LinkedIn and Facebook!


Berlin Exchange Medicine has a lot to offer!
On the following pages you will find more info about the individual task forces (TFs) and work areas within our team as well as on our innovative review process.

Review Process

What does the publication process from submission to publication look like? And what is special about our all-student review process?

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Instagram, Twitter, email newsletters - none of this would run without our public relations pros. And they know how to handle money too!

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TF Peer-Review

Who are the brains behind the review process? Why is this part so important in the scientific process and what do we do differently than many established journals?

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TF Website

Which thoughts and which faces are behind this website? What are our plans for the future and who is our role model in terms of technical infrastructure? 

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TF Design

Our corporate identity, as well as the design of our entire public image, comes from our own Layout & Design team. What motivates our layout designers to work in a student life-science project?

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Our Team

Currently, our nationwide team includes about 20 students from a wide variety of backgrounds who share a fascination for the health sciences and/or the establishment of such a project: With us, everyone says what they think and does what they do best!

Feedback and questions make us better, enthusiasm for and interest in our project encourage us to continue and every motivated person helps us immensely.

In the coming weeks and months, a lot will happen and that‘s why we need your feedback, your support or your know-how!

So feel free to contact us anytime! We are looking forward to hearing from you!

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